Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Oh what a blessing to have another little one on the way.  We've have appropriately named this baby Baby Wilder 2 or BW2 for short. 

We always said that we wanted our first two to be about 2 years apart and we got our wish!  Clint's birthday is October 14th and we're due with BW2 on October 10th.  I apologized to him that he may have to share his birthday, but everyone tells me he won't mind (at least until he's older).

We've been asked if we want a boy or girl and honestly we would love another healthy, smart little one.  I would be so blessed to have a daughter at some point, but I could also see myself as just a boy mom :)  Either way, we love this baby so much already and are thrilled that God has given us another blessing.

We had our second appointment this morning and got to hear BW2's heartbeat for the first time.  It was a strong 162!  Clinton's was 148 at the same appointment for those who are curious.  We were able to schedule our anatomy ultrasound for Wednesday, May 13th (a few weeks earlier than last time), so pray for a healthy reading!

We covet your prayers and thank you all for your well wishes and excitement as we prepare for BW2!