Thursday, June 11, 2015

23 weeks

Anderson is as big as an eggplant! Weighing in at approximately 1.10lbs and measuring 11.38in.  His brain and hearing are more developed this week and he is starting to recognize mommy, daddy, and Clinton's voice more and more.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

22 weeks

How far along? Almost 22 weeks

How big is the baby? He is the size of the cantaloupe. Weight: 12.7oz Length: 10.51in

Total weight gain/loss? 6lbs at last doctor's visit (18 weeks)

Maternity clothes? Mostly. I can still wear dresses and shirts that aren't maternity.

Sleep? Decent. I usually wake up at some point to go to the bathroom.

Best moment this week? Feeling very strong kicks!

Symptoms? None really.

Food cravings? I'm just always hungry!

Food aversions? Nothing this week.

Gender? It's a boy!

Labor signs? None.

Belly button in or out? In.

What I miss? Beer!

What I'm looking forward to? Daddy being out of school

Bump? Yes!  See below!